Bilousivska-Chornukhy area

Chornukhy and Bilousivska fields were discovered in 50’s and 70’s. After short exploitation periods of discovered formations, both fields were considered as non-perspective and were conserved.

In 2001 Company obtained Special Permit for exploration and pilot development of Bilousivka-Chonukhy area. On the first stage, the G&G data of the fields was collected and re-interpreted and future work plan was established.

Thereby, during 2003-2011 Company performed re-entering works in old wells BC#7, 9, 13, 17, 110, 111 and two new wells were drilled BC#116-A and Ch#3-A. Hydrocarbon inflow was received from these wells, but not all the wells were commissioned due to technical problems.

During 2007-2008 Company performed 3D seismic and its interpretation. In 2007 a Gas Plant was built on Bilousivska area for the treatment of gas and condensate.

In 2011 Company obtained license for commercial development of Bilousivska-Chornukhy area for the period of 20 years and continuing activity. Currently exploitation fund consists of 4 wells on this area.

Formations within license area presented in terrigene sediments of low and high Visean (production horizont are from V-17 to V-26). Tournaisian sediments and Visean “carbonate rock” are considered as perspective too. Traps on fields are mainly lithological type, but within Chornukhy field they are structural. In relation to geological structure, Chornukhy field is an anticline high whilst Bilousivske field is presented as structural nose. Depths of occurrence of production horizons vary from 3000 m to 4500 m.

North-Yablunivska area

In 1989 during testing of V-22 horizon in well NY#1 commercial inflow of gas and condensate was obtained, and in 1991 field was placed on balance.

In 2002 Company obtained Special permit for exploration and pilot production of North Yablunivska area (this permit have been prolonged for the term of 5 years in 2011). Immediately company made reinterpretation and analyses of available logs. Considering presence of wells drilled by SC “Ukrgasvydobuvannia” within Special permit area, production of oil, gas and condensate from V-22 horizon during 2004 – 2006 was performed on JV agreement. At this time, both companies started drilling of exploration well #4North Yablunivska to open whole perspective structure up to T-1 horizons. However, drilling was not completed due to failure and well was abandoned.

In 2013 Company drilled and completed well NY#203-A. Later this year it was connected to Yarivska Gas Plant and inhibitor pump station was constructed near the well. NY#203-A is developing V-22 horizon. In March,2015 construction of Metering station was completed and in April it was commissioned.

Hydrocarbon reservoirs within North Yablunivska area are mainly lithological and tectonic limiting traps and mainly refer to terrigene sediments from Moscovian stage to Tournaisian sediments of low CarboniferousHowever,carbonate sediments of Bashkirian and Visean stages are also perspective. In terms of structure North Yablunivska is mainly located on western, eastern and northern zones of slope of Yablunivska anticline which are complicated by fractures. Depths of occurrence of production horizons vary from 3500 m to 5500 m.